It is necessary to submit an application to our congress by sending an abstract. If your abstract is accepted, an acceptance will be sent to you.
Your abstract should be between 250-400 words
Must have at least 3 keywords
It should be written in Times New Roman, 12 point, single line spacing.
Title, Author name, surname, institution and e-mail addresses should be written under the title.
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You must send your abstract in doc/word format to by July 27, 2024
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It is mandatory to include ORCID NO, mobile phone number and English abstract in your abstract. During the publication of the book, your mobile phone number and email address will be deleted from the notice and will not be shared with third parties.
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*Participants whose abstracts are accepted at the end of the double-blind peer-review process are notified via e-mail. It may be recommended to present the abstracts that are not suitable for presentation as posters. Applicants who prefer to make a poster presentation instead of a paper presentation should indicate this in the e-mail.
After the peer-review is concluded (accepted/rejected), the author is immediately informed.
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There is no obligation to submit full text in our congress. However, if you want to have your full text published, you must send it to until August 15, 2024.
When sending the full text, the similarity report must be sent via e-mail. Papers with a similarity report of 30% or below will be evaluated.